Our Story

        It all started in November of 2018 when Theo started THEOX, a clothing brand, as a sophomore in high school. A passion for artistic expression through apparel and a pride for Coptic identity, Theo envisioned the masses wearing THEOX; people would wake up and choose to wear THEOX, not Nike, not Adidas. THEOX. Years later and today people still wear designs from THEOX!

        In April of 2020 THEOX was rebranded as TMIK! TMIK did graphic design and printed apparel for small organizations and individuals. After a short break from running a clothing brand, TMIK relaunched in December of 2022 printing hoodies for the Coptic Orthodox Christian Fellowship at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with the latest made for the organization being the "Deacon Bear" design. Every purchase made through TMIK helps to support a Coptic organization or charity.


        With your support and loyalty, TMIK hopes to spread Coptic identity and expression through modern yet conserved ancient Coptic motifs and designs; and most importantly, to give back to causes that are close to our hearts.